Memberships are $60 per year and include all family members residing at your residence under the age of 18 years old. Memberships expire December 31st.

To become a member:

  • You can stop at the Trap Clubhouse on Thursday afternoons during Trap Shooting. You will be able to pay and receive an electronic keycard immediately
  • You can stop at Rigler’s Shooting & Sports Supplies in Rock Falls during their regular business hours to pay and receive an electronic keycard immediately.
  • You can fill out the membership form below, pay online ($2.75 additional fee), and we will mail you an electronic keycard. Please note: New Members, it can take one to two weeks for you to receive your electronic keycard by mail.
  • You can fill out the membership form, print it, mail it with the payment to the address listed below. Please note: New Members, it can take one to two weeks after we receive payment for you to receive your electronic key card by mail.
  • If you were a member and have a deactivated electronic keycard because you have not renewed before the deadline, please note it may take up to two weeks for the card to be turned back on at the gate.

If you choose not to renew your membership please return your key card to Dave Lockhart at 26945 Covell Rd Sterling IL 61081.

Dave Lockhart815-499-2025
Paula Adams815-631-7203